In the exhibition space Tinta Invisible regularly presents projects that local and international artists develop in various artistic disciplines.
Christmas collective exhibition.
December 12 to February 5, 2024
Fèlix Pons Albert Bonay Pedro Strukelj Carles Roman Carla Lupa Sara Bonache Tura Sanglas Carles Mercader Jo Milne Laia Noal Lurdes R. Basolí Jordi Pagès Ana López Serrano Monica Kopatschek Juan Escudero Carles Gabarró Jaume Roure Marcos Palazzi Toni Privat Xavi Déu Pere Llobera Daniele Lipari Gabi Gallego Federico Sancho Àlvar Calvet Francesca Llopis Soledad Sevilla Gala Pont Oriol Vilapuig Aitor G. Aixendri Guim Tió Duna Vallès Maria Freire Viktor Kostenko Teresa Gómez Marc Herrero Patrick Subirats Jordi Alcaraz Pablo Alejandro Josep Guinovart Ignasi Aballí america sanchez Joan Fontcuberta Vicenç Altaió Carlos Bunga Alfons Borrell Eulàlia Valldosera Josep Gol Evru Antoni Llena Lili Díaz Martina Manyà Fabià Claramunt Sandra Partera Elena Gascón María Jimenez Judit Andreu Valls Espe Pons Jordi Jové Iris...
from october 18th to november 29,
Agost del 2024, tren Euromed en un punt qualsevol de l’infinit que hi ha entre València - Joaquim Sorolla i Barcelona - Sants. Una amable, una trista, una petita pàtria. Instagram DM ponxomartinez: cent anys del naixement del poeta. Ací em pariren i ací estic. A l’octubre, una petita exposició a Tinta Invisible: gent del País Valencià i poesia d’Estellés. No tinc nom. No tinc casa. No tinc anys. No tinc pàtria. Tenim: César Amiguet, Mar Arza, Pilar Dolz, Marc Egea, Xavi Galbis, Pasqual Gomes, Marquet, Anna Roig. Fins i tot arriba la música del ball. He demanat a en David Caño fer una lectura de poemes d’Estellés el dia de la inauguració. No podia faltar el vi damunt la taula. Et ve de gust participar amb un breu text per a la newsletter? Ja em diràs. No sé d’on vinc. No sé d’on vinc. Vaig: només sé que vaig,...
May 16 to June 21, 2024
Dear friends,
We invite you to the opening of the exhibition 6 of 9 of the ART-TRA Group. The exhibition brings together the graphic work of six of the nine artists who are part of this group.
The members of the ART-TRA group have known each other for a long time, exchange experiences and collaborate with each other while presenting a long trajectory of joint thematic exhibitions. In the specific case of this exhibition, the point where the six artists converge is their work as printmakers, with the own trajectory of each one and the diversity of paths, styles and techniques that derive from them.
Neus Aller,, Jordi Cerdà, Marta Moncada, Adelaida Murillo and Martí Rom present an example of their original graphic work, which includes a compilation of different views and technical practice through different languages and materials: collagraph, aquatint,...
from April 4th to May 10th
Born in Bogotá, Colombia, in 1954, Hose Vanegas currently lives and works in Barcelona. His academic training includes studies in Fine Arts with a specialization in sculpture at the National University of Bogota during the years 1975-1982. Subsequently, Vanegas broadened his artistic horizons with postgraduate studies at the Kanazawa University of Art, Japan, between 1983 and 1985, and with studies in printmaking at the Escuela Lonja in Barcelona, Spain, from 1988 to 1993.
In 1979, he made a permanent installation at the Faculty of Architecture of the National University of Bogota with Alberto Diaz. In addition, he has been awarded in several exhibitions and salons both in Colombia and abroad, including recognition in Japan.
Throughout his career, Hose Vanegas has explored geometry, color and symmetry in his work, creating a unique visual language...
from February 22nd to March 27th
Laia Noal presents 8, an installation exhibition configured by eclipses, lunar phases, fires and coal. Anna Llopis accompanies it with a text. The exhibition can be visited from Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 2 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm and on Fridays from 9 am to 3 pm.
"The thunderbolt brought down to earth the first fire for mortals; starting from the thunderbolt spread all the ardor of the flames."
Lucretius, De rerum natura, s.Y BC.
Between August 4 and 5, 2023 a fire burned more than 500 hectares of mountain between Portbou and Colera. In a few hours the natural landscape as it had existed was completely exterminated by the flames fanned by the tramontana. The transforming capacity of fire, generating both destruction and rebirth, transience and eternity, as well as its link with the primitive and atavistic, is the starting point of Laia Noal's work,...
Christmas collective exhibition.
December 14 to February 5, 2024
Artists: Fèlix Pons, Albert Bonay, Pedro Strukelj, Carles Roman, Carla Cánovas, Eloi Rodríguez Romeu, Jose Bonell, Sara Bonache, Tura Sanglas, Jo Milne, Mònica Ruiz, Laia Noal, Lurdes R. Basolí, Jordi Pagès, Regina Gimenez, Ana López Serrano, Monica Kopatschek, Juan Escudero, Carles Gabarró, Jaume Roure, Maria Pinell, Marcos Palazzi, Xavi Deu, Pere Llobera, Victòria Rabal, Daniele Lipari, Federico Sancho, Àlvar Calvet, Francesca Llopis, Soledad Sevilla, Julieta Averbuj, Oriol Vilapuig, Aitor G. Aixendri, Albert Gusi, Guim Tió, Duna Vallès, Mònica Casugas, Sean Sborlino, Maria Freire, Viktor Kostenko, Teresa Gómez, Elisa Gómez, Marc Herrero, Patrick Subirats, Andrea Lería, Jordi Alcaraz, Pablo Alejandro, Josep Guinovart, Ignasi Aballí, america sanchez, Joan Fontcuberta, Vicenç Altaió, Carlos Bunga,...
October 6 to November 6, 2023
The exhibition curated by Poncho Martínez and María Lucas gathers the work of 10 artists specialized in the book and bookbinding arts.
participating: Carla Busquets, Hélène Genvrin, Roxana Vargas, Pilar Álvarez, Marc Gascón, Simona Galbiati, Lidia Moreno, Vinka Grbic, Poncho Martínez and Àngels Arroyo.
With this proposal we want to show you a selection of artist books created by former students of the Bookbinding Cycle of the Escuela Lonja de Barcelona, a meeting place for students from different promotions, origins and creative routes. The importance of preserving this artistic craft is manifested through the various professional, artistic and educational paths that each of us has followed. We want to emphasize the need to provide an environment that highlights the works, going beyond the virtuality of the digital world. This exhibition invites us...
september 14 to october 14, 2023
The project experiments with the technique of etching the degradation of materials. It focuses on the physicality of the eroded material as a symbol of the passage of time. It raises the perception of time as a human experimentation and seeks to establish links between this anthropocentric time and geological time. In the artist's words "In the end, the stones are part of a history much longer than ours and approaching their rhythms allows us, among others, to reflect on the need for a slow look, the perception we have of nature, our limits or the notion of time".