Filigranas y Mamporros




Year: 2020
Editor: Tinta Invisible Edicions
Edition of: 30
Pay in installments

FILIGRANAS Y MAMPORROS (Filigrees and bumps)

Carlos Pazos



Art is not for the ambitious poor who aim at all costs to become rich.

Art is not for the rich who feign empathy with the poor and pretend to work for them.

Art is for those who don’t aim to win a fortune, nor heaven on earth.

Barcelona, 29 April 2012.

Carlos Pazos

Filigranas y Mamporros follows along the lines of the books Garabatos y Zarpazos: libro para colorear (2004) and Pimpollos y Papanatas (2013). In the format of a personal diary, Pazos reflects on art, the passing of time, and life with the caustic irony and wordplay that characterizes him. Pazos doesn’t sweeten so much as portrays life, his state of being, and the world of art with the cruel, finely honed wit typical of the author. The book includes a prologue by Montserrat Cuchillo and an epilogue by Victoria Combalía.

The bibliophile edition comes with a cover lined with black emery cloth into which is embedded a digital giclee print with a vulva in the foreground, reminiscent of the famous Origin of the world by Gustave Courbet, even though in this case the image is slightly hidden by an egg of EVA foam and pink glitter. The design of the book and cover are by the artist.

This book was presented on 15 June 2021 at the Museu Picasso in Barcelona. The presentation was given by Eloy Fernández Porta and Carlos Pazos.

Text and graphic design by Carlos Pazos.

Hard cover binding and felt sleeve by Poncho Martínez.

Book published by the Fundación PazosCuchillo de Pazos and Tinta Invisible.

The bibliophile edition is made up of:

30 copies, signed and numbered from 1/30 to 30/30.

5 copies signed and numbered from I/V al V/V.

1 BAT copy.